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Quality & Environment

ENR leads the way when it comes to the implementation of state-of-the-art technologies in our two production plants. We continually invest in new means of production and methods that guarantee quality and reduce the burden on the environment.


Our focus on continuous improvement and innovation enables us to work ever more efficiently and to fulfill our clients’ ongoing quality standards effortlessly. Our quality control system has been ISO 9001 certified since the last century. This guarantees a high-quality product for you.

Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility

With the help of modern engineering and techniques, we aim to work increasingly energy efficient and reduce our waste rate. We continuously adjust our goals, in accordance with ISO 26000 –  Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR is one of the key focal points in our organisation’s objectives. We aspire to contribute to a better society in all aspects.

The publication of our self-assessment and reference matrix with regard to ISO 26000 can be found in the link below:

ISO 26000 publication